
CNT TRANSFORMERS design, manufacture, & supplies Distribution Transformers, Current Transformers & Potential Transformers.


Distribution Transformer ~ up to 630KVA at 11KV, 22KV & 33KV Voltage class
    ✭ 12KV/28KV/75KVpeak Insulation Level
    ✭ 24KV/50KV/125KVpeak Insulation Level
    ✭ 36KV/70KV/170KVpeak Insulation Level
❖ Design for oil cooled outdoor long life smooth operation
❖ Design conforming to IS, BS, IEC and other relevant standards
❖ Design withstand electrical impulses, thermal and dynamic stresses
❖ Hermetically Sealed & Conservator type construction
❖ Low power loss and low noise
❖ Best design for reliability


Current Transformer ~ 11KV, 22KV & 33KV Voltage class
    ✭ 12KV/28KV/75KVpeak Insulation Level
    ✭ 24KV/50KV/125KVpeak Insulation Level
    ✭ 36KV/70KV/170KVpeak Insulation Level
❖ Design for oil cooled outdoor long life smooth operation
❖ Design conforming to IS, BS, IEC and other relevant standards
❖ Design withstand electrical impulses, thermal and dynamic stresses
❖ Hermetically Sealed type construction
❖ Low winding temperature and low noise
❖ Best design for reliability


Potential Transformer ~ 11KV, 22KV & 33KV Voltage class
    ✭ 12KV/28KV/75KVpeak Insulation Level
    ✭ 24KV/50KV/125KVpeak Insulation Level
    ✭ 36KV/70KV/170KVpeak Insulation Level
❖ Design for oil cooled outdoor long life smooth operation
❖ Design conforming to IS, BS, IEC and other relevant standards
❖ Design withstand electrical impulses, thermal and dynamic stresses
❖ Hermetically Sealed type construction
❖ Low winding temperature and low noise
❖ Best design for reliability


CNT TRANSFORMERS B2B customers are listed public and private limited companies across India.

Equipment Financier

Tushar Shinde is the founder, promoter and business owner-proprietor of CNT TRANSFORMERS established in year 2004.

Contact us

✆ 9321690034

Tushar Shinde
Badlapur, Mumbai MMR 421503 India
Pithampur, Indore IMR 454775 India
Masat, Silvassa 396230 India