CNT TRANSFORMERS is one of the leading Maintenance Service provider for Power Transformers up to 220KV.
CNT TRANSFORMERS undertake onsite Routine & Major Maintenance involving Repair, Overhauling & Testing of High & Extra High Tension Power Transformers up to 220KV. Since 2004, CNT TRANSFORMERS has successfully carried onsite Repair, Overhauling, Maintenance & Testing of about 1500 Nos. Power Transformer ranging from 1MVA 22KV to 60MVA 220KV.
CNT TRANSFORMERS execute on-line live-line 220KV Power Transformer Oil filtration.
Filtration, Recondition & Reclaim of Transformer Oil
❖ Filtration to improve its dielectric strength
❖ Recondition high vacuum dehydration to remove moisture content
❖ Reclaim to remove volatile acidic compound Arsenic, Fluoride & Sulfur
On-line, Live-line Filtration of Transformer Oil
❖ 11KV On-line Live-line Transformer Oil Filtration
❖ 22KV On-line Live-line Transformer Oil Filtration
❖ 33KV On-line Live-line Transformer Oil Filtration
❖ 66KV On-line Live-line Transformer Oil Filtration
❖ 100KV On-line Live-line Transformer Oil Filtration
❖ 110KV On-line Live-line Transformer Oil Filtration
❖ 132KV On-line Live-line Transformer Oil Filtration
❖ 220KV On-line Live-line Transformer Oil Filtration
Routine Maintenance of Power Transformer
❖ Testing of Earth Pits
❖ Testing of Transformer Oil
❖ Testing of Power Transformer
❖ Maintenance of Transformer
❖ Maintenance of OLTC
❖ Attending oil Leakages of Transformer
Major Maintenance of Power Transformer
❖ Overhauling of Transformer
❖ Overhauling of OLTC
❖ Internal Fault Analysis of Transformer
❖ Remnant Life Assessment of Transformer
❖ Vacuum Drying & removal of moisture content of Transformer
❖ Vacuum Drying & IR value improvement of Transformer
❖ Oil Replacement, Drying & IR value improvement of Transformer
❖ Nitrogen Drying & IR Value improvement of Transformer
❖ Vapor Phase Drying & IR Value improvement of Transformer
❖ Low Frequency Drying & IR Value improvement of Transformer
❖ Low Frequency Drying & Tan Delta Value improvement of Transformer
Dry Type (Epoxy) Transformer Servicing
❖ Annual (One Time) Maintenance & Servicing of Dry-type Transformer
CNT TRANSFORMERS B2B customers are listed public and private limited companies across India.
Equipment Financier

Tushar Shinde is the founder, promoter and business owner-proprietor of CNT TRANSFORMERS established in year 2004.
Contact us
✆ 9321690034
✉ cnt@cnt.org.in
Tushar Shinde
Badlapur, Mumbai MMR 421503 India
Pithampur, Indore IMR 454775 India
Masat, Silvassa 396230 India