CNT TRANSFORMERS undertake Repair, Re-winding, Re-insulation, Oven Drying, Vacuum Drying, Nitrogen Drying, Vapor Phase Drying & Low Frequency Drying of Power Transformers, Distribution Transformers, Current Transformers, Potential Transformers, Residual Voltage Transformers & Current Limiting Reactors.
Repair of Oil Filled Power Transformer
Repair of Oil Filled Distribution Transformer
Repair of Oil Filled Current Transformer
Repair of Oil Filled Potential Transformer
Repair of Oil Filled Residual Voltage Transformer
Repair of Oil Filled Current Limiting Reactor
❖ Repairing of fail/burn Transformer
❖ Re-winding of Transformer
❖ Re-insulation of Transformer
CNT TRANSFORMERS B2B customers are listed public and private limited companies across India.
Equipment Financier
Tushar Shinde is the founder, promoter and business owner-proprietor of CNT TRANSFORMERS established in year 2004.
Contact us
✆ 9321690034
Tushar Shinde
Badlapur, Mumbai MMR 421503 India
Pithampur, Indore IMR 454775 India
Masat, Silvassa 396230 India